2012年11月12日 星期一

Designing Information Human factors and common sense in information design

It's been a long time since I updated my reading blog.  I am so busy recently that I didn't have time to read a nice book.  I feel guilty about it.  Every time I finished reading a nice book, I feel more confidence about myself.  I need this feeling eagerly recently.  Any way, this is the book I selected and I think it is worth to take note. I haven't finish this book yet.  So the format of this article will be incremental.  Hope that I can "redesign this blog" so that you can totally understand what I want to share after I finish this book.

In the introduction, the author clearly defines the duty of information designer: our job is to clarify, to simplify, and to make information accessible to people who will need it and use it to make important decisions.  Information needs to be in a form they can understand and use meaningfully, and to tell the "TRUTH" of what things mean and how they work.
Cannot agree more with these two sentences.  I specially mark the word "truth" in the second sentence. How many of us are mislead by the information provided by news?

keys about information
1) is it true?
2) is it relevant?
3) is it necessary?
4) does its inclusion add or detract?
5) is it in a form that its audience can understand?

